The Best Strategies For Achieving Your Objectives In The New Year


New year, new you? It’s something we’ve all said before, and in many cases, it’s become an annual habit. According to a recent survey, just 75% of us are still as committed to our goals one week into the new year – a figure that drops to 71% after a fortnight. And it appears that our commitment and dedication to the cause is eroding as the year progresses, with only 46% of us remaining engaged at the six-month point, and just 9–12% of us seeing them through to the end of the year.

It doesn’t bode well, because preparing for success just to fail at the first hurdle might feel like an unending loop. The frustration of never quite getting where you want to go and the sense that you’ve let yourself down – again – are difficult to swallow, but the good news is that it IS absolutely possible to achieve those objectives you’ve been dying to cross off your list. It all comes down to the strategy you take, and getting it right may mean you set out on the road to success with all the tools you need to get there, and nothing and no one can stop you.